Where to find this or that?
Where to find this or that?
If you already know the names of books, articles and magazines, you have several options where to search.
Books at the FSV – both printed and electronic
- UK-AŽ - information about the books (both printed and electronic) within Charles University
- google books - books from all over the world, some of which are scanned here
- single information gateway - information about the placement of books in libraries in the Czech Republic
Scholarly magazines and articles at FSV – both printed and electronic
- UK-AŽ - the catalogue includes, in addition to information on books, data on magazines (both printed and electronic)
- google scholar - scholarly literature from all over the world as well as within Charles University
Monitoring of media (print, TV, radio)
- articles of the daily press, transcripts of important television and radio programs
- Czech
- from abroad
- Factiva – basic foreign media of global significance (The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post, The Globe and Mail, Financial Times...)
Bachelor’s and Master‘s theses
- UK-AŽ - the catalogue also contains information on Bachelor's, Master’s and other qualification theses
- theses.cz - Bachelor's and Master’s theses from the Czech universities often directly online as well
Economic data
- from abroad
- Factiva - business reports, macroeconomic data, analytical tools, field-related, business, and stock reports
I have a topic, but I do not know exactly what information I need
If you have a topic to treat, you need to obtain relevant resources for it. Perhaps you have not even decided whether to look for books or articles. How can you proceed?
1/ familiarize yourself with the topic
Have a look at some basic resources on the given topic to get an idea of what you are going to deal with. (google, wikipedia, website about the topic ...)
2/ identify key terms for the topic and draft a framework structure of your thesis
When drafting the work structure, you will be profiling the terms you will need to include in the treatment of the topic. These are related topics, primary and secondary terms, etc. These terms will serve as the basis for search = keywords. Mind maps, for instance, can become useful aids.
3/ search for available literature related to the terms
If you already have the topics and terms you are going to treat in your thesis, start searching for available literature.
- internet - google
Google is an invaluable help, but you cannot always trust it 100%. Therefore, always evaluate its results yourself and discard those that are not suitable for your work. How to assess the quality and credibility of information? Check out a short video or go through these few points that can help you decide whether a given website is of high quality.
- scholarly resources
With scholarly resources, someone has already considered the quality and credibility for you. Which one to choose?
Book or article? For more extensive work, you'll probably start with monographs (books) that will thoroughly explain the topic. However, they may not always be up to date (look at the year of publishing). You can find more up-to-date information from articles found in scholarly journals or websites.
Most probably you will use:
- monographs (books)
- a topic processed in detail mostly by a single author
- writing and reviewing and publishing the book takes a while, and so the information will not be completely up-to-date
- scholarly magazines
- published at least twice a year
- they contain up-to-date information from the given field (within months and not weeks, they are hindered by the publishing process, including the peer-review process)
- it is worthwhile to follow them if you want to know what's happening in your field
- articles in scholarly magazines
- they work as communication channel in science and research
- their authors are experts in a given field
- they undergo a thorough scrutiny (e.g. peer review procedures, citation responses are additional quality checks)
- anthologies
- more authors, often they treat a single topic or a conference (again, a delay in the publishing process)
- qualification (e.g. Bachelor’s or Master’s) theses
- If you write a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, check out the theses of your colleagues
- others - for the latest news, follow, for instance, experts at social networks and blogs, or so-called peer review articles (however, their topicality can be at the expense of verifiability and quality)
- content of newspapers, television and radio programs - so-called monitoring services
- economic data