Personal Identifiers
Personal Identifiers
The author personal identifier allows you to distinguish authors with the same or similar names and to find all publications by the same author, even if his or her name appears in different versions in the publications. This eliminates problems caused by diacritics, use of abbreviations of first names, duplication of names, changes in surnames of women after marriage, etc. When publishing, it is very advisable to provide the editors with your personal identifiers in addition to your name; some publishing houses already consider this to be mandatory.
Personal identifiers
The obligation to establish (and use) the personal identifiers is held by all:
- academic staff and researchers,
- doctoral students,
- other publishing staff and students at Charles University.
The identifiers are registered via IS Věda - Portal OBD > My settings > My identifiers
Further information and instructions for registering identifiers on the UK website
In order to ensure unique identification of the author of a published output, the following personal identifiers (“identifiers”) are used in addition to the personal number assigned by the University:
- ResearcherID - Web of Science database
- Scopus Author ID of the Scopus database
For all identifiers, the affiliation to FSV UK in English should be provided. Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, as well as the English version of the specific department (e.g. Department of Media Studies).
According to the Rector's Measure No. 40/2021, authors are obliged to register their scientific identifiers in the Science Information System. This obligation should be fulfilled no later than two months after the beginning of the employment or study relationship, or no later than the date of entry of the first result into the OBD.
Rectors Directive 40/2021: Registration of creative activities, projects and employees´ mobility at Charles University
If you wish, Library will provide a presentation of this agenda at your institute as well as methodological support in the creation of personal identifiers. Please arrange a specific time in advance. See contact details below.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
It is a non-commercial, permanent, international identifier of a scientist, whose uniqueness lies in the fact that it links authors with the results of their activities in different information sources in one place.
ORCID ID registration is free and can be done at:
- What is ORCID?
- Knowledge Base
- ORCID iD registration
- How to create and manage an ORCID research profile
This identifier allows linking to other scientific identifiers, especially ResearcherID (Web of Science) and Scopus Author ID.
When making your profile in ORCID, please do not forget to fill in the relation to the Faculty of Social Sciences. This data will be visible (available) to everybody.
If possible, include the ORCID identifier for all your publications.
Researcher ID
This is the identifier of the author whose publication result is registered in the Web of Science database. The author profile is linked to WoS records and offers various related reports and metrics, records of reviews and editorial work of the author.
Only authors who have at least 1 publication in the Web of Science database are eligible for this identifier. Each author sets up his/her own profile or with the help of the faculty coordinator, it can also be linked to the ORCID profile.
Scopus Author ID
You will be automatically assigned a Scopus Author ID when you publish in a journal indexed by Scopus. You don't need to register for a Scopus Author ID. If you have an article indexed in their database, you are automatically assigned a Scopus Author ID.
Jedná se o jednoznačný identifikátor autora od producenta databáze Scopus, společnosti Elsevier. Identifikátor je automaticky vytvořen každému autorovi, který má publikace evidované v databázi Scopus. The profiles are created automatically, which can cause the same author to have multiple Scopus Author IDs. If you find this, please request unification of your identifiers via the contact form.
Mgr. Michala Sošková
faculty coordinator
e-mail: | |
phone: | 771 128 401 |