Research support

Research support

The Scientific Information Center of FSV UK provides a wide range of services to support studies and science. We organize citation training in professional papers. We ensure the collection of records on the publication results of employees and students of the entire FSV UK (information on published articles, published books and other types of results). In addition, we ensure the coordination of records of personnel identifiers, Open Access and Open Science.


Knowing the rules of working with bibliographic data when writing a professional text is an integral part of information literacy in the university environment. The FSV UK Library has created these pages for students and seeks to simplify their orientation in the citation issue and to clarify its meaning.




For the entire FSV UK, the library coordinates and supports the collection of records of publication and non-publication results into the university-wide OBD database system and subsequently into the national Register of Information (RIV). Please contact us with questions about reporting records or other agenda related to OBD and RIV.

Instructions, manuals and other information on the registration of publication activity at FSV UK

Frequently asked questions about OBD

About predatory journals and MDPI publishing


Information about how to register ORCID ID, ResearcherID or Scopus Author ID.


Open Science

According to FOSTER, Open Science is the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods


CU Research Publication Repository

Charles University’s repository of publishing activities is a place to store and make available the full texts of the results of science and research of authors at Charles University. The repository is operated in the DSpace system.

Employees and students of Charles University can store their results in the repository. Storing and making the result available (auto-archiving) in the CU Repository of Publishing Activities is voluntary for CU employees and students. The process of auto-archiving results in the repository is established in Rector's Directive no. 40/2021, Records of creative activity, projects, and employee mobility at Charles University..

Auto-archiving of results in the repository takes place via the OBD IS Věda module. The results are then automatically transferred to this repository after being checked by the faculty open access coordinators.


Open access (OA) is a publication model that seeks to achieve immediatefreepermanent and independent online access to the results of publicly funded science and research. 




You can contact the following person with your questions:

Mgr. Michala Sošková

Faculty administrator for OBD and personal indentifiers




771 128 401

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 12:00-14:00

Contacts details of departmental administrators