General questions
Registration and other basic services
How do I become a library user?
By completing the electronic application form. In order to register, you need your personalized card of UK/ISIC UK.
Do I remain a library user upon interruption/completion of studies?
Your registration to the UK libraries expires upon interruption or completion of your studies. It is necessary to settle all your obligations towards the library (i.e. return books, pay any remaining fees, etc.). If you want to continue to use the library, you must obtain a license of external user of services and then re-register.
How do I log in into computers?
Use the same log-in as to the SIS. The password can be checked or changed at https://ldap1.cuni.cz/. Only FSV students can log in the computers at Jinonice library.
What is the password for wi-fi?
The main network is Eduroam whose password you can set at https://ldap1.cuni.cz/.
How do I use the lockers?
If you have a large bag, a suitcase, or a big winter coat, please store it in the locker for the duration of your stay at the library. The lockers at Jinonice open via your ISIC card (for FSV users) or a visitor's card (ask the librarian for it), for the lockers at Opletalova you will need a key (ask the librarian).
Can I bring snacks and drinks to the library?
Food and drinks are generally not allowed with the exception of bottles with a lid/cap. The second floor of the Jinonice library is dedicated to refreshment and relaxation, so if you do have snacks and drinks without a cap, please consume them there.
I am writing my theses. Where can I find information about citation ethic and bibliographic citation?
What is a bibliographic citation and why do we use citations you cand find in Bibliographic citation guide or this Handbook How to Avoid Plagiarism.
Loans and orders
Borrowing, extending, returning...
Can I borrow the books with a red stripe?
Books with a red stripe or a red label are only for in-house use. Other stripes have no bearing on loan conditions.
Can I borrow an in-house book?
Yes, in exceptional cases, strictly for overnight use. A librarian on-duty decides on in-house loans. Beware of fines which are harsher for in-house loans.
How do I extend the loan period?
The easiest way is to extend the loan period online via UKAŽ. Log in and you will be able to extend your loans if 1) the loan period has not expired yet and 2) there is no reservation placed on the book.
Can I return books in any library of Charles University?
No. The book must be returned to the faculty library where it has been borrowed.
How can I pay my late fees?
Either in cash or by card - check detailed information here. If you are not able to visit the library in person, you can also pay via bank transfer, although this can take up to two weeks to process.
Where can I leave the book which I studied in-house?
Please place the books in the cart or leave them on the table; do not place them back on the book shelf.
How long does it take to complete orders from the warehouse/depository?
In case of Krystal depository, delivery will take up to three working days, from Lešetice depository up to 30 days. From Warehouse 1 / Warehouse 2 and Opletalova-warehouse, order fulfilment takes up to 2 hours, after 4pm the next working day.
Can I order a book from another library to the library of FSV?
We do not secure loans from Prague libraries; you can use inter-library loan services to order books from other libraries in the Czech Republic as well as abroad (mvs@fsv.cuni.cz).
I have lost, damaged, or cannot find the loaned book. What should I do?
Contact us as soon as possible and we will discuss the ways how to resolve the situation. The book can be replaced with the same title. In the case it is no longer available, we will request financial compensation.
Printing, copying and scanning
Printing and scannig services
How do I print, copy or scan?
Use the MyQ system. Detailed information here.
How to use FSV E-resources
Is it possible to access final (diploma) theses from my home?
Yes, via repository. However, only the theses submitted after 2006 are available there.
Is it possible to access from my computer scanned newspapers from Kramerius?
Yes, at the website kramerius.fsv.cuni.cz. However, you will get full access only to such documents that are not subject to copyright, i.e. issued more than 70 years ago.
Can I print/copy even though I'm not a FSV student/employee or my log-in into PC doesn’t work, or I have forgotten to bring my ISIC card, etc.?
Yes, it is possible. Ask the librarian for help.
I need old Czech newspapers. How will I know that they are available in their electronic form in Kramerius, for instance, or in another Prague library?
In the case you are looking for the newspapers published after the year 1998, then you should direct your question to the category E-ČASOPISY (E-JOURNALS) in search engine on the website http://pez.cuni.cz/. The main titles are found in the databases Factiva and ProQuest.
It is possible to order older newspapers, available in warehouses, through the catalogue to study in the library in Hollar. Before you do so, please make sure through nationwide register whether they are not already available in their digital form (http://www.registrdigitalizace.cz/rdcz/).
In case of any uncertainty, contact in advance knihovna@fsv.cuni.cz.
I am neither a student nor an employee at FSV; what e-resources can I use in your library?
Most resources are prepaid and can only be used by students and staff at FSV UK, with an exception of freely available resources and magazines.
Jak se zaregistrovat?
K využívání služeb všech knihoven UK je nutné mít vyřízený jeden z průkazů, který je možný získat v UK Pointu. Jakmile máte průkaz k dispozici, stačí vyplnit elektronickou přihlášku. Více o registraci.
Zůstanu čtenářem knihovny i po přerušení/dokončení studia?
Během přerušeného studia lze využívat služeb knihovny. Jakmile studium dokončíte, zaniká i vaše registrace v knihovně CVI; do té doby je nutné vyrovnat všechny své závazky vůči knihovně (t.j. vrátit všechny výpůjčky, zaplatit poplatky apod.). V případě, že chcete knihovnu nadále využívat, musíte získat licenci externího uživatele služeb či člena Klubu Alumni a znovu se zaregistrovat.
Jak se můžu přihlásit do počítače?
Použijte stejné přihlášení jako do SIS, tedy univerzitní ID (osmimístné číslo) a heslo. Heslo je možné zkontrolovat nebo změnit na https://ldap1.cuni.cz/. V knihovně Jinonice se mohou přihlásit pouze uživatelé z FSV.
Jak se připojím k WiFi?
Hlavní sítí je Eduroam, heslo do ní si můžete nastavit na https://ldap1.cuni.cz/.
Jak najdu knihu v knihovně?
Knihy jsou ve volném výběru řazeny podle signatur - značek uvedených na hřbetu či zadní straně knihy. Knihy jsou rozděleny do skupin dle oborů. Signaturu knihy zjistíte v UKAŽ
Mohu v knihovně jíst a pít?
Kvůli ochraně fondu a vybavení knihovny je v prostoru knihovny povoleno pouze pití v lahvi s uzávěrem. V knihovně Jinonice je ale možno konzumovat jídlo a pití v relaxační zóně ve druhém patře.
Píšu bakalářskou nebo diplomovou práci. Kde najdu informace o citační etice a citacích?
Co je to bibliografická citace a proč používáme citace najdete na stránkách k citacím nebo v této příručce Jak se vyhnout plagiátorství.