FSV Libraries
Knihovny FSV
Jinonice Library
Address: U Kříže 8, 158 00 Praha 5 - Jinonice
Telephone to the circulation desk: 267 224 303
E-mail: knihovna@fsv.cuni.cz
Telephone (head of library): 267 224 305
This central branch performs the functions of the Scientific Information Center - it provides all library services, book purchase, digitization, book processing and all methodological work. It is located in the newly renovated Jinonice Campus.
The Jinonice Library offers a wide collection of books in sociology, political science, international studies, as well as journalism and media studies.
In the library you will find 167 study places, multifunctional printers (printing, copying, scanner), a relaxation zone on the 2nd floor and a lot of books and magazines. The books are divided for absentee and in-house borrowing. There are also PCs in the library through which the library catalogues and electronic information databases can be accessed.
The library offers individual and group study rooms, which can be booked through UKAŽ. There are also automated lending machines (selfchecks) and a bibliobox for returning books.
Opletalova Library
Address: Opletalova 26, Prague 1 – room no. 310
Telephone to the circulation desk: 222 112 331
E-mail: knihovna@fsv.cuni.cz
The library in Opletalova gathers collections of economic literature. Publications are freely available over the counter and placed along with magazines in the library.
The library primarily offers the books for in-house loans and part of books for outside loans (books in high demand). Other books for outside loans are available in an adjoining depository and need to be ordered in advance.