Library will partially open from April 20, 2020

Library will partially open from April 20, 2020
From April 20, 2020 our libraries will be partially opened for students who will be completing their studies in this academic year. FSV UK libraries will be opened for up to a maximum of 5 people as follows:
Library Hollar
Monday | 10:00-12:00 | 13:00-16:00 |
Wednesday | 9:00-12:00 | 13:00-16:00 |
Friday | 9:00-12:00 | 13:00-15:00 |
Library Opletalova
Tuesday | 9:00-12:00 | 13:00-16:00 |
Thursday | 9:00-12:00 | 13:00-16:00 |
Access to the library will be allowed only individually.
It is still prohibited to study on-site literature. The study room is closed.
The library will be closed on May 1 and May 8 (public holidays).