New printing solution MyQ

New printing solution MyQ
From today, 1.3. 2024, you can use the new MyQ printing solution in FSV libraries, which replaced the previous Uniflow system.
MyQ offers self-service printing, copying and scanning for FSV users. The starting point for recharging credit and uploading files for printing is the web interface. Use your CAS username and password to log in. You can manage your MyQ profile from anywhere, so you can easily upload files to print at home from your couch, recharge your credit on the subway, and then just tap your card to the machine and print.
You can also use the app to print with MyQ. To pair your student card with your account, use the "Card registration" option on the terminal. Use your PIN to log in.
You can print your files on any printer in the MyQ system, one can be found in the Hollar and Opletalova libraries, on the Jinonice campus there are two machines in the library (on the 1st floor and 3rd floor) as well as in building B, room B105.
Librarians are happy to help non-FSV users with printing services, please contact the library desk.
If you have previously used the Uniflow system and have some leftover credit uploaded to it, please contact the librarians who will transfer it to MyQ. Transfer of credit is possible until June 31st.
Detailed information about printing services at the library can be found at