Opening hours in November

Opening hours in November
From Monday, November 2, 2020, we are reopening the library, but only for returning or pick-up the ordered books. Only the circulation desk is open at the moment:
Library Hollar
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-12:00
Tuesday, Thursday 13:00-16:00
Library Jinonice
Monday - Friday 9:00-16:00
Library Opletalova
Tuesday, Thursday 10:00-14:00
Study rooms are closed.
All loans ending in the closure period have been extended until December 7, 2020, and overdue fees will not be applied during the period from October 22 to November 20, 2020.
Order the books you wish to check-out in the catalogue, log-in by your university ID and your password (CAS/SIS). Wait for the email confirming that the books are prepared for you. If you are not registered in the library, use the online registration: Electronic application.
Thank you for your understanding.