New e-resource

New e-resource
Let me inform you about a new e-resource Kluwer Competition Law available at CU and more news.
- Kluwer Competition Law
This resource is an online research platform covering EU and international competition law. It consists of primary source materials and their analysis, e.g. commentaries, that allow professionals and students to find answers with ease and speed.
Link to eResources Portal:
Accessible until: 31. 8. 2022
- Elsevier: webinars and more learning materials
12. 10. Efficient literature search in ScienceDirect
13. 10. Updating your Scopus Author Profile - step by step instruction
14. 10. 3 effective ways to find relevant literature on Scopus
18. 10. Advance your chemistry research with Reaxys
You can find more upcoming and recorded webinars here.
You can also use courses Library Connect Academy for librarians.