Proquest One a Karger

Proquest One a Karger
We would like to inform you about the new trials of ProQuest One Literature and ProQuest One Academic and the new additions to the Karger Fast Facts collection.
ProQuest One Literature and ProQuest One Academic Trial
As of today, we have new trials from the ProQuest platform.
One Literature represents a new level of Literature Online and offers 3 million texts, videos and other materials essential for the serious study of world literature in English.
One Academic includes the content of ProQuest Central, Ebook Academic Complete, Academic Video Online and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, and thus provides access to the full texts of periodicals, e-books, dissertations, agency news, newspapers, etc.
These resources can be promoted through Facebook.
Karger Fast Facts News
Karger has expanded its Fast Facts with a lot of new manuals which you can now access through our portal.