Excerpts from the Lending Code of the CVI UK FSV

Excerpts from the Lending Code of the CVI UK FSV

1. Registration and fees

You need one of the Charles University ID cards, which can be obtained from the UK Point. You need to apply below using the electronic application form.

Electronic application

 Registration period can be changed depending on withdrawal or suspension of the study period, or terminating or shortening the employment period.  

user registration period


6 years

Doctoral student

6 years

Internship student

6 months


6 years

CU co-operators

1 year


1 year

ILL 6 years


2. Loans

Loans from the FSV depository can be realized in these modes: 

mode of loan types of documents notes

In-house loans – in the Reading Room only.

a) newspapers, magazines, and journals; b) books found in just one or two exemplars; c) dictionaries, encyclopedias, and reference literature.


Study Room loans with a special handling – in the Reading Room only.

a) bachelor, diploma and dissertation theses (not published); b) old prints (published before 1850); c) newspapers published before 1920; d) archival-quality books.


Regular loan – can be taken home.

most of the books in open shelves

Students can borrow up to 50 regular loans at a time, visiting student 10 books.


Interlibrary loan service

If an item is not available in the library collection.

A fee applies to international loan services, see below.

Fees for using Interlibrary Service  

sending of the requested loans via (International) Interlibrary Loan Service fees delivery time

Czech Republic

free of charge or the postage price

two to six weeks


250 CZK

6 weeks to 3 months

overseas (incl. UK)

450 CZK

6 weeks to 3 months

The documents held by the library are labeled according to their statuses:  

Status Can the item be taken home? Can the item be ordered via catalogue?

Regular loan



In house loan



Study Room loans





· Visitors without a CU identity card can study in the Reading Room only.

· Students who terminate or suspend their studies or enroll for next year are obliged to return all the loaned items.

· Users shall not use information from printed or electronic sources otherwise than for their private usage in accordance with the copyright law.


Loan periods and fines

The loan period for documents labeled as Regular loan  is 30 days.


Fines for overdue loans

overdue loans fines  

items labeled as Regular loan

3 CZK per day

in-house items

50 CZK per day

Outside loans of special devices

 (e.g., e-readers)

100 CZK per day


The amount applies to every single loaned item. If the reader does not return the loan, legal actions will have to be taken. Should the reader refuse to pay the fine, s/he can be deprived of the right to use the library services until the case is settled. The head of the library determines such a case.


Loss of items

The users are obliged to report the lost items immediately. The library may ask the user to replace the item or to pay the sum equivalent to its acquisition price or more in case of older publication. The reader is obliged to compensate the loss in 30 days.


3. Print at the FSV

Users can get documents printed either by using self-service or by the library staff.

Self-service printing is paid:  

A4 black & white


A4 color


A3 black & white


A3 color 10 CZK


Printed copies from sources with limited access (e.g., diploma theses up to 10 pages, digital library, electronic books, or copy/print of an ordered research)

A4 black & white


A3 black & white


A4 color


 A3 color

12 CZK

Digital copies made by a large format scanner (data carriers not provided; only documents not protected by the copyright law

one side


Printed copies made by a large format scanner (e.g., from a bounded newspaper)

A4 black & white 


A4 color


A3 black & white

11 CZK

A3 color

17 CZK


Charles University Library and Circulation Rules