
  • Sportwomen´s Apparel in the United States: Uniformly Discussed

    This volume presents a collection of essays that explore the relationship between sporting clothing and gender. Drawing on uniform and sports apparel as a means of exploring the socio-sexual politics of contemporary US society, the contributions analyse the historical, political-economic, socio-cultural and sport-specific dimensions of gendered clothing in sport.

  • Sportwomen´s Apparel Around the World: Uniformly Discussed

    • Uses uniform and apparel to explore further the sexual politics of the contemporary world, within the field of sport but with strong relevance to the changing wider social terrain
    • The only book to bring together scholars across a range of fields (history, sociology, gender studies, media studies), to analyse the topic of sportswomen and clothing
    • Discusses a range of sports and platforms, taking into account digital influences and major sporting events

    ISBN 978-3-030-46843-9

  • Digital PR

    Digital changes everything. That’s a truth that has played out across industries the world over. And PR is a perfect example of an industry that has been forced to transform. Across every PR discipline, from media relations and content creation through to social media and influencer marketing, digital has changed traditional PR techniques and ushered in a whole new wave of specialisms that previously did not exist. This book acts as a guide to this era of transformation. It’s a manual that summaries the trends affecting our industry.

  • Comparing Journalistic Cultures

    This book offers an analysis of journalists’ professional views against a variety of political, economic, social, cultural, and linguistic contexts.

  • Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting

    IT'S OFFICIAL: excessive "internetting,” smartphoning, and social media make us miserable. But it doesn't have to be that way. Over the last decade, recognized journalist Blake Snow rigorously researched, tested, and developed several connectivity strategies for finding offline balance in an online world, which resulted in this, his first book.

  • Digital Detox

    Social media and smartphones are criticised for being addictive, destroying personal relationships, undermining productivity, and invading privacy. In this book, Trine Syvertsen explores the phenomenon of digital detox: users taking a break from digital media or adopting measures to limit smartphone and social media use.