Unified registration in Charles University libraries

Unified registration in Charles University libraries
We would like to inform you that the new Library and Circulation Rules of CU become effective on the 1st of December 2019.
From the 1st of December 2019, you will not need a separate registration for each CU library, only one registration for the use of CU libraries will be sufficient.
To use the services of Charles University libraries it is necessary to have one of the Charles University ID cards, which can be obtained from the UK Point. You need to apply below using the electronic application form.
By filling in the application form, you agree with the observance of the Library and Borrowing Regulations of Charles University (see Rector’s Provision No. 36/2019) and with the provision of personal data. By clicking on the „Electronic Application“ link you will be asked to log in to the Charles University Authentication Service (you will need to know your personal number and password to the UK system). After logging in you will see your current personal data. If your personal information is not up to date, you must log in to WhoIS and change it there. If you do not see your personal data and you have an External Service User Card, you must first personally go to any UK library where your personal information will be added.